marți, 30 septembrie 2008

Birthday wishlist 8->

My birthday is on its I made my wishlist, as I wrote each year to Santa...

The only difference is that I can buy this things on my least some of them we go!

Happy b-day babe! :*

Lucruri pe care le ador in general...

Happy tree friends! :))

Lipseste "dirijorul" nostru! De fapt "dirijoarea"! :D

Am putea considera ca ea a facut poza! Si atunci imaginea de ansamblu ar fi mult mai buna!

GustavE, iti predau legatura! ;))

luni, 29 septembrie 2008

Daca pozele ar vorbi...

Amintirile ar fi stii iar ce gandeam cand eram copii...

Probabil poza mea din rama mi-ar sopti "Stii, esti exact ce-mi doream sa fii!"

Cand imi fac timp sa vad si eu filmul asta?? Ma chinui de cateva luni bune...:((

Abia astept sa vad cu ochii mei si sa simt pe pielea mea...:D

vineri, 26 septembrie 2008

My tattoo :X

miercuri, 24 septembrie 2008

Superrrrrrr concert! Ma bucur ca am fost! :D

luni, 22 septembrie 2008

Imi place reclama asta...:D

Am fost la ziua Irinei!

Catch up!

* Am dat-o in bara! Ca nu pot sa tac si sa "inghit"! Ca am suflet ...inca! (Spre fericirea mea! Tin de el cu dintii! Nu vreau sa il pierd ca multi altii!)

* Nu sunt zeita comunicarii! Daca eram, lucram in TelCo. Dar incerc pe cat posibil sa trag semnale de alarma in stilul meu "mut".

* Astept sa treaca ziua de azi! Cu bine! Prea putini stiu ce zi e azi! Nu, nu sarbatoresc nimic! Nu e ziua mea!

* Ma simt obosita si racita si slabita! Simt iar "amorteala" in suflet... in nucleu! Fac lucruri din instinct! Ca atunci cand ma voi trezi, sa nu-mi fac morala ca am stat cu mainile in san! Cand ma voi trezi????

[Deci per total daca trag linie am o stare ... pe minus! :(]

Am incercat sa ma relaxez cu o baie lunga de o ora spuma frumos sa analizez viata apa se scursese aproape toata din mai eu nu ma realizat ca am mai trecut prin asta o data cand eram atunci am stiut ce sa fac!

Poate sa iasa foc si soarele sa arda... Nu-ti pierde dragostea!

joi, 18 septembrie 2008

It's been a month and twenty full days...

Why so serious? Let's put a smile on that face! :D

Ce concentrat era pentru o discutie cu mine pe mess! ;))

Hahahah! Interesting a? :-?

Iete un tigan caruia ii e frica sa nu fie deochiat! :)))))

Colectia de toamna 2008 @ Shantier!

In sfarsit un tip bine imbracat pe Trendy toate aschimodiile emo! :))

Cool ha?
Shoes :Zara
Jeans : Diesel
T-Shirt : Topman
Sunglasses : DKNY

I'm: 8->

I simply adore him when he blinks like this: 8->! :D I wanna jump on him and kiss him!

PS: every inch of U babe =)) (U know what I mean! :D)

What matters to you? Me? :-??

Trendy Crew ;;)

Probably the most beautiful girl...
But she is very trendy for sure... Luv her style!

How hot that red looks on her! ;;)


joi, 11 septembrie 2008

De pe un profil de-al meu....descrierea barbatului ideal in viziunea mea!!!

In a brief conversation, a man asked a woman he was pursuing the question, "What kind of man are you looking for?" She sat quietly for a moment before looking him in the eye and asking. "Do you really want to know?" Reluctantly, he said, "Yes." She began to expound... As a woman in this day and age, I am in a position to ask a man what he can do for me that I can't do for myself. I pay my own bills. I take care of my household without the help of any man...or woman for that matter. I am in the position to ask, "What can you bring to the table?" The man looked at her. Clearly he thought that she was referring to money. She quickly corrected his thought and stated, "I am not referring to money. I need something more." I need a man who is striving for perfection in every aspect of life." He sat back in his chair, folded his arms, and asked her to explain. She said, "I am looking for someone who is striving for perfection mentally because I need conversation and mental stimulation. I don't need a simple-minded man."

I am looking for someone who is striving for perfection spiritually because I don't need to be unequally yoked... believers mixed with unbelievers is a recipe for disaster. I need a man who is striving for perfection financially because I don't need a financial burden. I am looking for someone who is sensitive enough to understand what I go through as a woman, but strong enough to keep me grounded. I am looking for someone who I can respect. In order to be submissive, I must respect him. I cannot be submissive to a man who isn't taking care of his business. I have no problem being submissive...he just has to be worthy.

God made woman to be a helpmate for man. I can't help a man if he can't help himself. When she finished her spill, she looked at him. He sat there with a puzzled look on his face. He said, "You're asking a lot." She replied, "I'm worth a lot."

marți, 9 septembrie 2008

You broke the chains now I can lift my hands!

Enjoy Dna Buhuhu! ;))

duminică, 7 septembrie 2008

Miss Independent :X

Some kind of modern Cinderella!

Take me on a trip, I’d like to go some day...Take me to New York, I’d love to see LA. 8-> 8-> 8->

Can we get away this weekend.
Take me to Broadway.
Let’s go shopping baby then we’ll go to a Café.
Let’s go on the subway.
Take me to your hood.
I neva been to Brooklyn and I’d like to see what’s good.
Dressed in all your fancy clothes.
Sneaker’s looking Fresh to Death I’m lovin those Shell Toes.
Walkin that walk.
Talk that slick talk.
I’m likin this American Boy. American Boy.

:D :D :D

Would you be my love, my love.
could be mine would you be my love my love, could be mine.

sâmbătă, 6 septembrie 2008

Ce ziceti de asta?


Just another urban story of my life...

Urban love ....urban species
Urban rainbow

Sky seen in urban center...

The story remains the same...

pe ritmuri de Mark Knight:

Autumn....sweet autumn...

vineri, 5 septembrie 2008

Next step...

Aici intentionez sa ajung dupa Londra, care este "work in progress"! Stie cineva unde sunt facute pozele de mai jos?